Quick Solution to Perform Unsupported File Format MP4 Fix

Getting 'unsupported video or the video file is damaged' error while playing MP4 file on Mac? Download the ultimate MP4 file repair software from REMO to fix all such errors safely in just a couple of minutes on all Mac and Windows versions.


Apple users many-a-times may face problems while playing MP4 video files on their Mac computer. It gives error “unsupported video or the video file is damaged”. This error occurs due to various reasons. In fact, it is not easy for a user to identify the actual cause of unsupported video format. Mentioned below is a real-time scenario which is reported by a user on Apple community:

“Hi, I recorded a few videos on my digital camcorder in MP4 file format. All videos were saved on the SD memory card present in the camcorder. I plugged the SD card to my Mac installed with latest macOS Sierra and moved all files to its hard disk. However, when I try playing those MP4 files on my Mac, it shows the error message saying “unsupported video or the video file is damaged”.

Usually, you may get such errors due to incompatibility or codec issues. Sometimes, the video is played but only the sound is heard or vice-versa. This may really make you think of how to fix MP4 format error to watch your beloved video again on your Mac / Windows. Let’s know what does unsupported video format mean and how to resolve this error to make the video playable.

Causes of unsupported file format MP4 error

Well, the exact cause of unsupported video or the video file is damaged error cannot be dependant on a particular reason, but there are some factors which make your MP4 video unplayable on Mac. They include:

  • While transferring MP4 videos from SD card to system, device turns off abruptly
  • Video file is downloaded from untrusted source
  • Recording video while camera battery is on low
  • Playing recorded MP4 files on unsupported media players

All these are the major reasons behind unsupported file format MP4 error. However, no need to worry, because Remo Repair MOV tool automatically fixes all the issues and render a healthy playable MP4 video.

Recommended solution for unsupported file format MP4 fix

Make use of the powerful MP4 file repair tool from REMO in order to fix MP4 unsupported video or the video file is damaged error. The software's smart and effective repair technique fixes any corrupt, damaged or inaccessible MP4 files irrespective of the cause in just a few simple clicks. The software is designed with easy to use and does not require any technical skills to repair broken MP4, MOV and M4V videos files.

3 steps to fix unsupported video or the video file is damaged error on Mac

Download the trial edition of Remo Repair MOV and install it on your Mac machine for free of cost. Run the tool and follow step-by-step instructions mentioned below to execute unsupported file format MP4 fix.

Step 1: Launch Remo Repair MOV and click on “Open” button to choose the MP4 file showing unsupported file format error, then click “Repair” icon.

Step 2: The tool quickly scans and repairs all the error found in the chosen MP4 video file which you can monitor by looking at the progress bar.

Step 3: After unsupported file format MP4 fix process is finished, click “Preview Repaired File” option to see the portion of repaired video and save the fixed video file by clicking on “Save Repaired File” button.