Fix Adobe Photoshop Error 213:19

Are you getting an error 213:19 while opening Adobe Photoshop application? Click Download button to completely resolve this error by using the free demo version of Remo Repair PSD software.

Adobe Photoshop error 213:19 and other critical errors can occur when your Windows OS becomes corrupted. Opening Adobe application and other programs will be slower and you may experience crashes / freezes. There can be several reasons behind this error including registry errors, fragmented files, unnecessary or redundant software installations, and so on.

Free download trial version of advanced PSD repair tool to fix Photoshop error 213:19

In order to fix Adobe Photoshop error 213:19, it is recommended that you download Remo Repair PSD software. It is an advanced PSD repair utility that will fix all the problems faster and smoother. Using this tool, you can easily repair Photoshop file format error on Mac in just couple of mouse clicks.

Remo Repair PSD program is also capable of repairing corrupted Photoshop files and fixes the image in original format. It works in a read-only mode and will never modify original Photoshop file while fixing error 213:19. As the PSD repair utility is designed with user friendly GUI with step-wise instructions, so even the non-technical user will comfortably operate the software to fix Photoshop errors.

How to fix Photoshop error 213:19 with Remo Repair PSD Tool

Click Download button to get Remo Repair PSD and install it to your Windows computer by double clicking remo-repair-psd.exe file. Then, follow below explained steps to fix Adobe Photoshop error 213:19.

Step 1: Launch Remo Repair PSD, select Photoshop file with error 213:19 by using “Browse” option and click “Repair” button to initiate repair process

Step 2: The software starts fixing the errors associated with the selected Photoshop file which you can monitor by looking at the progress bar

Step 3: After completion of repair process, the software will display the list of repaired Photoshop files which you can see by using “Preview” option

Step 4: At last, click on “Save” button to save the repaired Photoshop file on any appropriate storage location

Some of the common symptoms of error 213:19

  • Sometimes, your system frequently freezes for a few seconds
  • "Error 213:19" appears and crashes the active program window
  • Windows system runs sluggishly and responds gradually to keyboard or mouse input.
  • Your computer frequently crashes with error 213:19 when running the same program

The error 213:19 can appear while installing the Adobe Photoshop application or during Windows startup or shutdown or even while installing the Windows OS. Keeping track of when and where the error 213:19 occurs is a critical piece of information in fixing the issue.

Causes of error 213:19 supported by Remo Repair PSD:

  • Corruption in Windows registry from a recent Adobe Photoshop Elements-related software change (install or uninstall).
  • Corrupt download or incomplete installation of Adobe Photoshop utility
  • Another program maliciously or accidentally deleted Adobe Photoshop related program files.
  • Virus or malware infection that has corrupted Adobe Photoshop program files or Windows system files.

Runtime errors such as “Error 213:19” can be caused by numerous reasons, so it is necessary that you troubleshoot each of the aforementioned causes to prevent it from recurring.