Recovered PPTX File Repair Tool

Fixing PPTX file that got corrupted or broken after recovery is an effortless task with the help of Remo Repair PowerPoint tool. Download the software and start repairing inaccessible PPTX files in just a few simple steps.

Overview of PPTX file repair after recovery

Microsoft PowerPoint is widely used application to create and deliver presentations. At certain instances, you may lose the PPTX presentation in just one second. Either, the PPTX file goes missing while transferring from computer to storage medium or you mistakenly deleted the .pptx file using Shift Delete keys, etc.

When PPTX presentation is lost or deleted, you may use third party recovery tools to recover the PowerPoint file. But, sometimes, the PPTX file might get corrupted and you may encounter errors or PPTX file refuses to open. All these signs, indicates that the recovery application used to retrieve PPTX file is unreliable one.

Safely fix PPTX file after recovery using Remo Repair PowerPoint software

Whenever you use recovery software for recovering lost or deleted PowerPoint files, there are possibilities of corrupting the file. But, now repairing corrupt PPTX file is a simple task by utilizing Remo Repair PowerPoint program. Within couple of mouse clicks, this utility will make any damaged or inaccessible PPTX file into a readable one. The software securely repairs PPTX files by creating exact copy of the corrupt PPTX slides, fixes it and save the recovered contents on a new healthy PPTX presentation.

Steps to repair corrupted PPTX file after recovery

Click Download Now button to get Remo Repair PowerPoint tool and install it in your Windows desktop / laptop / PC. To fix corrupted or broken PPTX files on Windows, you need to follow the below mentioned easy steps:

Step 1: Launch Remo Repair PowerPoint. “Browse” PPTX file that got corrupted after recovering it and click on “Repair” button

Step 2: Once the PPTX file is selected, the software itself starts fixing the corruption issues which you can see by looking at the progress bar

Step 3: After repair, when you get “File repaired successfully” message onscreen, click “Preview File” option to view the repaired PPTX file

Step 4: Click on “Save” button to save the fixed PPTX presentation with all recovered data in any host accessible memory location

More about Remo Repair PowerPoint application

Remo Repair PowerPoint is capable of repairing PPTX file that get corrupted when MS PowerPoint tool is abruptly closed while working or accessing PPTX file on Windows OS. Sometimes, the PPTX file may get corrupt due to virus infection, application failure or frequently changing the PPTX file extension. All such issues will be easily fixed by Remo Repair PowerPoint.

Other than this, the software supports all types of PowerPoint files like PPT, PPTX, PPS and PPSX. With the aid of this tool, you can fix password protected presentation files as well as recover all its attributes including text, animations, formatting, images, OLE objects, sound effect, hyperlinks and many more. Furthermore, the application is totally free from harmful viruses and is safe to be installed on your system. It facilitates simple and easy-to-use interface, such that no technical skills are required for using this software.

Some useful tips that can be followed

  • Avoid using unreliable software for recovering lost or deleted PPTX / PPT presentation files
  • Always backup your vital presentation files on multiple devices